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Purchase & Withdraw Policy

Last Updated: Apr 5, 2024

>>>Payment Withdraw Policy

  • Step 1: Sign in to your account.
  • Step 2: If have available money in your account, you are ready to withdraw!
  • Step 3: You need a minimum of 5000 BDT in your account to withdraw funds. 
  • Step 4: Then you have certain options to withdraw funds.
  • Step 5: Add your Bkash wallet number to your profile settings page to add a payment method
  • Step 6: After each of the sales, you will receive the payment instantly to your Instructory wallet as per your chosen payment model. 
  • Step 7: 57.5% per sale will be taken from the instructor as a platform maintenance fee.
  • For more details check out our “ Privacy & Policy”
  • Step 8: You have to request for withdrawal within the 15th of every month, Whenever you will apply for withdrawing a payment, your request will be under review.
  • Step 9: Please remember, 30th of every month  Instructory team will disburse the payment to your registered Bkash wallet number. 
  • Step 10: After we disburse your payment, the Bank will process it within 2 to 3 working days. 
  • Step 11: So you have to wait till then to receive the payment in your personal account.  
  • Step 12: You will receive a withdrawal notification and email to your account
  • Note: But For New Courses - this withdrawal process will be available
    1. After 1.5 months from the publications
    2. If The course is fully completed
    3. If there are no negative reviews
    4. If you maintain the tasks and supports mentioned in the email we have sent you during your course onboarding.
    5. If there is no refund request
  • Please remember after withdrawal of your amount, if any learner claims a "refund request" which is valid, then you are bound to return the full course amount (Means - If anyone buys with 300 BDT, you have to return the whole amount) because it's your commitment towards your learner which you missed and your learner claim. 

You can check your transaction history on your “Analytics page”.

>>>Restrict the Disbursement of Instructors!

When your monthly disbursement will be restricted?

Instructors, we respect you a lot. But we have campaigns to offer your courses where we invest a lot of amount in marketing, boosting, sending email and SMS, etc. So we expect your cooperation as well. We restrict your payment at the last moment when you fail to support your course and learners.  

1. If we find that, you have not been active in any of our campaigns or events consecutively last few months.
2. If we are poking you again and again, but you don't respond or, cooperate
3. If you didn't complete your course as per outline, promise and requirements (Minimum Lessons: 50 and Duration: 10 hours - minimum boundary)
4. If you are not supportive at all towards your students through the Instructory website and private group  (We don't recognize your any personal support)
5. If you haven't updated your course for many months (But there is a new version or updates which is required for the students)
6. If the course is in the Renewal model: You have to take one monthly 1 live support class at the private group and in our community
7. You have to post about your course -  during the campaign/event (otherwise our marketing costs will go in vain)
8. Without a campaign - you need to create awareness by writing blogs, sharing resources related to your course 
9. Accept learners regularly to the private group 
10. Give Support to your learners through private group and website inbox
11. If we find any legit  complaints regarding your course from the learners 
12. If we find that you are using our platform for your personal benefits 
13. If you create another copy course personally or to another third party
14. If you promised to give any resource to the learners then you must complete it etc. 
15. If we found any unethical activities in your Instructor's profile or, using our platform
16. Minimum monthly 2 Posts in your Private Group regarding the course etc. 
17. Illegal activities, Bad behavior, Conflict of interest level 
18. If you break any of our policy etc. 


For the above rules, if you fail we have the full right not to disburse your payment or take any actions if needed! All the rules are created to maintain the quality of the course and the reputation of the Organization and Instructors as well.


>>>Course Purchase Policy:

Instructory makes paying instructors simple and secure. To learn from your favorite instructor through instructory you have to add 15% as service charge with your every purchase


  • Sign in to your instructory account 
  • Select course or courses you want to purchase
  • Choose to pay using
    - Debit/ Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, DBBL Nexus;
    - Mobile Banking: Bkash, Rocket, Islami Bank M Cash, My Casy, AB Direct;
    - And, Internet Banking: Bank Asia & MTB.
  • Whatever you choose for paying the course fees, fill up the checkout details with accurate account number and information. 
  • You can add a promo code to get more discounts on your purchase.
  • And Instructory will charge a 15% service fee for per purchase. 
  • After successful payment submissions, you will receive an invoice to your instructory account and to your email also. 
  • And now you are eligible to learn the course. 

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